Corners of the Cranium

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

For Gene Wilder

This is the shortest of my poems. It is not a take on any poem but simply an poem about thoughts provoked when I listen to the song “Pure Imagination”, a song, which I believe, harnesses an absurd whimsicality just like the poem “In Just-“ by e.e. cummings. Except, unlike the song and e.e. cummings poem, my poem takes a darker root, examining humanity in a critical, dark, maybe comical way.

For Gene Wilder

With a face covered in tar

You can’t fly your glider anywhere

And I see now why the same goes for

Being dosed in ink

And for having squid thrown at your face

And for the birth of babies.

And lame people aren’t stupid people

But it’s hard

Not to believe that mental doesn’t

= physical (always)

You just have to enter that state,

The one that can

Jokingly be called Buddhism,

And it’s all a soft blur and

Spray is what I want to believe

But people are hanging all dead and

All sick now

And open mouth = (not

Always but sometimes)

A sick

Winner in death.

Giant Steps, Lazy Bird

The poem “The Learn’d Astronomer by Walt Whitman is a poem about believing in science or believing in what you think. I wanted to write a poem like this so I wrote this poem. It is about humanity being unable to think deeper into itself and discover the beauty of its dangerous places. We’re taught not to go to these places. Why not? There may be beauty there. The title comes from the title of two songs by John Coltrane

Giant Steps, Lazy Bird

We need to learn,

All the people,

And all of you sad bricks,

To smile

And we’re sick with leaves in our hair,

Drunk and upside down on heaven. The

Sick street folk knead and knead at their toes.

The one man who was blue in the face THEN

Has died and eagles mark his grave with sparse

Defecation. All hail all! All the street men scream

And the buckets they cackle are raw with sewage and

Their sun caked

Lips clamp and smash.

“We’re all mighty!” one of the


Fat Ones says.

And the Fat Ones #2 says it!

“We must be ‘ll mighty!”

“Boys be stupid and quick the world is

A dead plant” “Holla!”

And the Lazy Bird hollers.

His records are smashed and

Folklore. Beckoning him,



Sick Minstrel with his tongue tied and

His fingers dead from one or 7,0000

0000 clicks at the keys.

Your troll beauty is pitching her

Tent in the soup kitchen slums

And her troll feet, dear god! we

Perish in sixteenths like the gallows.

And her troll feet, sick stringly strange

Killing in thirty-seconds the Napoleonic

Gallows, the giant steps!

Tambourine Men

This poem is based on “Fire and Ice” by Robert Frost. When I read “Fire and Ice” I thought of it as kind of a poem about the destruction of a utopia, how they utopia dies and for what reasons. So I wrote a poem about a collapsing utopia and its inability to see what is really important. Kind of like the humanity in “Fire and Ice”

Tambourine Men


The clanging man swishes

Through the abandoned Ballroom

Full of thesauri and Sugar Mountains

And latex-headed strangers who can’t tap


The stiff-toed folk look silly

In the Vietnamese arbor and

They swat each other with

Racquet Ball Racquets

And one

Poor clown-boy achieves a

Sweet black eye.

So now you can’t see, clown boy.

And your not tired, clown boy.

And the night-lights are gone

And the goblins and the disgusting


God- Dogs

Are lost in their God-

Dog fantasies. Soaked

In rust water and corn.

The whole field has been attacked by aliens

And goat-footed “philosopher-kings”

—Can’t learn

To play the piccolo.

All games are lost in the rotting

Gingko branches. The chauvinist villages

Are thick in the bleeding lip.

In the jungle



Has learned to feed on

The children’s skin. And

All is an awkward, bluish silence now.

“We’re done.”

And the villagers pull off their horned-

Rimmed glasses and think of longs lists of words

They had memorized in the thesauri:






And the horned-rimmed adult-parents

Learn that none of these words will

Rescue their forsaken children the excitable children.

All lost now.

Gone is their wall ball. Gone is their

Somalian Piracies

Dreams and Reality

The wicked witch of the west
Stole my breath
Bottled up, locked away, no daylight
No more breath, I thought it right
My delight
To dance to the ocean, I plunged my head
Cold shiver, dry hair as I sit in bed
All this noise, all is seen in my dreams
In my dreams

To live in another world, a lovely sin
My day ends when I drink of this tin
                                                                the bitterest coffee one would know
Pushing away my reality, Fucking my Flow.
You may see but this world is not seen

In my dreams, in my Dreams

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The life of a dreamer

We, me and you.
We are dreamers.
We are romantics.
We are flirts.
But most of all we are shy.
However that is alright because we know, oh we know.
As to what we know we know many things.

We know how we feel, It is a emotion far more true than any physical one.
We know how each other feels. Though at times our faith is shaken it always comes back and we see.
Never in a million years would we want it to stop, but there must be something beyond this something more than knowing, for sometimes I get fed up with the waiting and want to proclaim my affection, that may just be the romantic in me.

Who knows maybe im just tilting at windmills but I know theres something beyond what there is now.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It just kempt getting more abstract

Cut-out filter effect of original photo
 I sa hr in ar class.
M sné allí n clas d ar

Sin  h rojc
I wasn' rally ar class, i was som ar hisory inrodcion, oorly ah, borin as hll class, ha rally had mor o do wih mmorizin facs and n I realized that I wanted to put a nice piece of art together during break. My winter art project, something fresh and unique. 
ams hn acally larnin abo ar.

Setting up the project
So i srck m, hoosho is a od. No ha, I knw ha for awhil now b i srck m wha syl of ar i wand o do. An imrssionisic colla of imnd ars, and hoosho was oin o hl m cra his. So m rojc ban. I noticed that with each advancement in the process it kempt gitting moor aabbdstracracke

 I by cin  maazins, sarchin f The concept resolved around the idea that i would existing papers to replace pigments that one would normally used. This collage wouldn't be realistic but rather abstract and impressionistic. 
or h colors I dsird. his ndin  akin a on of im sarchin  ach and vry n i wand.

Finishd coy, hoo shod aain
Partly finished
Nx I chos o s an xisin icr I had ha i ariclarly lik, which can b fond arlir in my blo, and sd a co filr ffc,. I sd his icr as Ti ping is Exteamly difficult when you are lossing critical details
my olin for my rojc ha i knw wold rodc similar rsls in rms of dail. I followd his  by colorizin o b mono-chromaic, as I dsird a and siml fl o my icr, I sd bl. So my id scn was s.
I ban h am, h challn of firin abo h b which basically simpilifed all the colors of the picture into simplified regions of colors, seen at the top
Finished copy
s way o ransformin a whi ic and my bl scras ino h work ha I had in fron of m. I dcidd o skch h nral shas of hs hr rs and very depressed
hir lak. I dcidd o sar wih h darks, farhs way objcs firs, ha lad m o bin wih h backrond rs ha fill  h disanc, qickly ali America only to sink
n l and asin ha colorrally in ha rion. Mch black was sd alon h way, and hn i movd o h lak, carfl o cra a and hn wo lih ons on i's flank, as sn in h iniial icr.. I fl da ff  conid ha osss i wood row moor and mr obsrac ili nonono kod ondrsand. crcl dl wld b ls wh C s nd Words are overrated
h fnl cy wld b ndsiqdabl. nlss  knw wh  ws sosd 2b,  wood bizz rih cllss. lik a boss.. so scrbindo como so ara dmsrar l fco dl ar absrac. is arr (-) slf o scribo <3 his. afrfillininhrsandsardfillininallhwhiholshrwrlfhls o fill . I ook Mcho imo,  comllos. Many ol don' lik absrac ar bcas of how obviosly i aars,
Inrsinly i larnd ha yo w dark region of water
Finished copy, photo shopped again
an o sar wih bi sris of ar and work yor way down o h smalls of slivrs as yo add dail. I don'av o s ror sllin he trick it to make it very beautifully so you don't have to understando wri his aricl, as i is oin o nradabl whn i'm don wih h absracionis rocss. iano kys and dons. raccar. I ook many hors o lck t. language doesn't work this way, and i know that, that is why i am doing it this way, to demonstrate that abstract art is unique and wonderful thing. 
  all h hols in h ar rojc. Afr ha I workd on addin dails and sch. ssianal dail is collasin. hackz! I'm rally drssd bcas I kickd no js on b a vry imoran, hih mony am of maic away. So drssin i is o o so clos o h sn and no orach i, or o disco bfor yo cold rach i. I'v bn wachin a lo of Mrlin and rocrasain on mah homwork. onih i'm oin ovr o my fars hos o a, bcs I love my friends.
h cooks mch br han, and i rally isssed m off.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

An Electronic Generation

What would we do without our cell phones, ipods, computers, plasma televisions, gaming consoles, digital cameras, video cameras, kindles, calculators, and the many more electronics we use on a day to day basis? Our generation is the first to grow up with the a high exposure of such things. Many argue the positive affects of 21st century technology in our society out weight the negative ones, but I have a different opinion. Yes, I'm addicted to all of my electronics just like the rest of you. My earphones are basically glued into my ears, and there's not a day where I don't update my blog or check my facebook. But even using myself as an example, a lot of the electronics I possess have created more problems and stress in my life than most other things. A few more specific examples.

  • My phone. I am very thankful for my AT&T go phone. Wherever I am, you can bet it's a short distance away. It's gotten me out of some very sticky situations over these past few
    years... but then again. It's gotten me into about just as many. I think we can all confess to the distortion texting/instant messenging/short phone calls has put on the development of
    our communication skills. Many teens can press the send button to a hurtful text 100X's easier than they could say it to that person face to face. And not only with hurtful things, but in dating relationships. "I love you, I'll do anything for you, I'm yours forever" seems to be a lot easier to type, then to speak. And also, I'll admit that sometimes when I'm out spending what should be quality time with my family, I'm too obsessed with a texting conversation to give them the time of day, and that kind of thing can really mess with the relationships within a family. Bottom line, I think phones are a great thing. For people far away from each other to communicate on such a high level. But I think the obsession with texting and not in person communication has an incredibly bad impact on the teens of today and the development of their social skills.

  • The Internet. This one really applies to me. I spend a LOT of time on the internet. Downloading music, reading articles, catching up on my favorite bands, blogging on my tumblr, creeping up on people on facebook, editing pictures, skyping, you name it. But as well as all of the joy it has brought to my life, there are a lot of negative affects to make up for them as well. First being, the laziness it creates. This not only in our generation, but in all of people who own a computer. Laziness in two ways.....1.) Actual physical laziness. Some are so addicted to the internet/computers that they are to distracted to exercise and feel no drive to get out of their desk and go for a jog, or to a yoga class. 2.) Mental Laziness. Why research in a book what you can quickly google? Knowledge is so easily handed to us through search engines and websites like wikipedia. And while this can be a good thing as well, some don't realize the amount of fraud among the information they're given. And like most of us read in Fahrenheit 451, a lot of information being condensed into paragraph long articles, or very short summaries, can give us a false sense of intelligence, when all we're really getting is surface details. Another negative affect, is stranger danger. Like we've been learning since we were so young, there are many pervert psychopath who will do just about anything to learn vital information about where you live, and where you hang out. With social networking, a lot of teens are putting their selves at risk of being raped/kidnapped/killed. "Oh, lyke, it's lyke no big deal if my facebook isn't private, it's just letting more lyke, cute boys see me!!:-)" THIS IS YOUR LIFE HERE PEOPLE! BE CAREFUL!!!! That's less of a worry for me though, because I have full trust that we are all smarter than to let something get that far.

Last but not least....

  • Kindles/Nooks/Other non book books. Look, I love the idea. In fact, I'd love to own one myself!!!! It's convenient, and a great way to read. Books have just always been my hope for our electronic material world. The chain that holds me to the ground, and keeps me sane in the sky full of technology. BUT OH NO, now books are electronic too! Which makes me fear..... is the time of a world similar to Fahrenheit 451 on the horizon? Not in all information being banned...but books? Will my fond memories of trips to Barnes and Noble, drinking hot chocolate in the starbucks section while reading a good book not be the reality for my own children?!?!?!?!??! The tangible aspect of books is such an important one for me! Being able to write my thoughts in the margin, high light what sentences really stick out to me, develop many frayed corners on random pages resulting from the 'dog ear' book mark method I so often use, develop stains of food/drink on the corners of other random's all so important to me! It's personal, and not only do I make memories of the story inside the book, I make memories of the books itself, and all of the unique characteristics my book abuse has given it. I'd like to be able to pick up my old copy of "Paper Towns" by John Green, or "It's Kind of a Funny Story" by Ned Vizzini (two of my very favorite books) and not only remember the story, but remember where I read it, when I read it, and go back to a time where I was oblivious to the wonderful plot that lied ahead of me.

I love technology. I couldn't live without it. But sometimes, I think I might be a different, more well-rounded person if I had grown up in the environment our parents had, in which they came home from school and biked around down until sunset, or spend a lot of meaningful time with their siblings, and not just hopped on the computer, or the telephone. I'm anxious to see the path our technology will lead our generation into during our adulthood, and the generations after us.