Cut-out filter effect of original photo |
I sa hr in ar class.
M sné allí n clas d ar
I wasn' rally ar class, i was som ar hisory inrodcion, oorly ah, borin as hll class, ha rally had mor o do wih mmorizin facs and n I realized that I wanted to put a nice piece of art together during break. My winter art project, something fresh and unique.
ams hn acally larnin abo ar.
Setting up the project |
So i srck m, hoosho is a od. No ha, I knw ha for awhil now b i srck m wha syl of ar i wand o do. An imrssionisic colla of imnd ars, and hoosho was oin o hl m cra his. So m rojc ban. I noticed that with each advancement in the process it kempt gitting moor aabbdstracracke
I by cin maazins, sarchin f The concept resolved around the idea that i would existing papers to replace pigments that one would normally used. This collage wouldn't be realistic but rather abstract and impressionistic.
or h colors I dsird. his ndin akin a on of im sarchin ach and vry n i wand.
Finishd coy, hoo shod aain |
Partly finished |
Nx I chos o s an xisin icr I had ha i ariclarly lik, which can b fond arlir in my blo, and sd a co filr ffc,. I sd his icr as Ti ping is Exteamly difficult when you are lossing critical details
my olin for my rojc ha i knw wold rodc similar rsls in rms of dail. I followd his by colorizin o b mono-chromaic, as I dsird a and siml fl o my icr, I sd bl. So my id scn was s.
I ban h am, h challn of firin abo h b which basically simpilifed all the colors of the picture into simplified regions of colors, seen at the top
Finished copy |
s way o ransformin a whi ic and my bl scras ino h work ha I had in fron of m. I dcidd o skch h nral shas of hs hr rs and very depressed
hir lak. I dcidd o sar wih h darks, farhs way objcs firs, ha lad m o bin wih h backrond rs ha fill h disanc, qickly ali America only to sink
n l and asin ha colorrally in ha rion. Mch black was sd alon h way, and hn i movd o h lak, carfl o cra a and hn wo lih ons on i's flank, as sn in h iniial icr.. I fl da ff conid ha osss i wood row moor and mr obsrac ili nonono kod ondrsand. crcl dl wld b ls wh C s nd Words are overrated
h fnl cy wld b ndsiqdabl. nlss knw wh ws sosd 2b, wood bizz rih cllss. lik a boss.. so scrbindo como so ara dmsrar l fco dl ar absrac. is arr (-) slf o scribo <3 his. afrfillininhrsandsardfillininallhwhiholshrwrlfhls o fill . I ook Mcho imo, comllos. Many ol don' lik absrac ar bcas of how obviosly i aars,
Inrsinly i larnd ha yo w dark region of water
Finished copy, photo shopped again |
an o sar wih bi sris of ar and work yor way down o h smalls of slivrs as yo add dail. I don'av o s ror sllin he trick it to make it very beautifully so you don't have to understando wri his aricl, as i is oin o nradabl whn i'm don wih h absracionis rocss. iano kys and dons. raccar. I ook many hors o lck t. language doesn't work this way, and i know that, that is why i am doing it this way, to demonstrate that abstract art is unique and wonderful thing.
all h hols in h ar rojc. Afr ha I workd on addin dails and sch. ssianal dail is collasin. hackz! I'm rally drssd bcas I kickd no js on b a vry imoran, hih mony am of maic away. So drssin i is o o so clos o h sn and no orach i, or o disco bfor yo cold rach i. I'v bn wachin a lo of Mrlin and rocrasain on mah homwork. onih i'm oin ovr o my fars hos o a, bcs I love my friends.
h cooks mch br han, and i rally isssed m off.