Corners of the Cranium

Friday, February 10, 2012

There is no edge

I would like to dedicate this picture to the lack of an edge to the universe


  1. no daniel, this definitely has an edge, if you perhaps had the drawing spill out onto paper... you know what, im doing a drawing of this drawing only it wont have an edge... its drawing-edgelessness-ception

  2. You just won't get it will you? It's not about the existence of any edge anywhere, its about the lack of edge in every direction. The paper has an edge, yes, but that it insignificant when compared to the vast edgelessness of the universe

  3. and that is purely unknown, all that is known is that our observable universe is expanding, there could be an edge, but we just dont know, and the only reason that it is expanding is literally we are just now receiving photons from the beginning of time that has taken its entire existence getting here, here could be an edge and there might not be, but really it doesn't matter because we cant do a flipping thing about it, all we know is that we see more stuff the longer we look up into the sky :P which is why i subscribe to M-Theory, just a background but it basically we live in a universe that is a bubble that just so happend to exist in the way it does and it will live until it dies and "pops"
