Corners of the Cranium

Friday, December 17, 2010

The sky Is blue

Touchdown. Looking up you see the sky is on fire, as a giant cloud bakes in the mornings beauty. For upon gazing of this magnificent sight, all thought seems to fade from mind other than exploring what possible Being could create such brilliance. As the day withers on, lines of white seem to stretch as far as the eye can see crossing the sky in millions of geometrical patterns. But I don't get to look for very long, for soon the sun begins to set, twilight is abound, I bathe in the unearthly light, at peace with the world. However it seems that in this world peace never lasts, night descends and the stars wake to the moon as we wake to the sun, moonlight caresses the land casting my shadow across the plains, long, twisting, barley visible shadows in the night. My eyes well up with tears and stream down my face like gossamer threads. This is Kansas, my home, and the sky is blue.


  1. I need to fix the pausing it feels like it runs on without pausing. And thanks.

  2. This is unreal actaully I love it.

  3. I've gone back and edited a few things to make them smoother and a little more detail if you want to re read it
